If you’ve ever listened to the Is Mr. Clean Safe for Dogs? rid of dirt and grime, in just a minute!” jingle, you know the popular household cleaner and its iconic mascot. It’s no secret that many cleaning products contain chemicals that can be dangerous to pets if they come into contact with them and lick, inhale or ingest them. In fact, the ASPCA reports that 8.3% of their pet poison calls are related to household cleaning products.

Is Mr. Clean Safe for Dogs?

A common misconception is that all cleansers, disinfectants and deodorizers are safe for pets. But that’s not necessarily true, especially if they contain certain ingredients. Many commercial cleaning products, including Mr. Clean, contain ammonia, chlorine bleach, glycol ethers or formaldehyde which are harmful to dogs and cats. Many cleaning products also contain artificial fragrances and preservatives, such as isothiazolinones, which are harmful if ingested or absorbed through the skin.

It’s important to read labels carefully and follow the use instructions, particularly for liquid cleaners, buckets or mops. It’s also a good idea to ventilate rooms you’re using them in, wash down surfaces thoroughly with water and rinse out buckets or wipes immediately when you’re done. And, of course, always keep these products out of your dog’s reach and ensure that your cleaning supplies, trash cans and receptacles are properly secured (child-safety locks work well). Many pet parents find peace of mind by creating their own homemade cleaners and disinfectants with natural ingredients like baking soda, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, Castile soap and essential oils. For example, a simple mixture of white vinegar and water can act as a great all-purpose cleaner, while a solution of warm water and baking soda can be used to remove tough stains.

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